Enrich your life and that of others
Have you thought you might have something more to offer; are you a parent who would like to spend more time with their children; do you want to enrich your CV with leadership skills; do you like camping, adventure and fun; are you a youth who would like to contribute to society? If yes then take our 4 week challenge:
(1) Come along to one of our section meetings to see what happens – we have meetings 3 evenings a week;
(2) Start to help out with what’s going on;
(3) Have a better understanding of what’s going on, get more involved – and maybe run an activity;
(4) You will know if Scouting’s for you – and you might be hooked!
Whether you have an hour a week or an hour a month, whether you want to wear uniform or not, we’d love to tell you about how we can involve you in our young people’s everyday adventures.